Municipality of Luna situated in the northern part of Luzon, is one of the 7 towns of the Province of Apayao in the Cordillera Administrative Region. Agriculture is the major source of income and livelihood of people where a great percentage of its total land area is devoted to agricultural production. Land, therefore is considered one of our most treasured resources. It means life, entails survival and defines the destinies of our children.

The Luna CeC has proven its worth and significance to various sectors of the community, most especially the students, employees, businessmen and overseas workers and their families. Having just implemented its Barangay ICT Program wherein the barangay officials had undergone Computer Literacy Training at the eCenter which aimed to enhance effectiveness of these officials through ICT in barangay governance and administration, the eCenter has launched a program, the establishment of the Farmers’ Assistance Corner (FAC).

This program was an offshoot of the recently conducted series of Farmers’ Class in the 22 barangays of Luna, spearheaded by the Municipal Agriculture Office. The conduct of classes started immediately upon the end of the cropping season, the most convenient time for farmers for such activity. During the said farmers’ classes, the role of ICT in agricultural production and development was explained by the CeC Manager and the Municipal Agriculturist, giving emphasis on farmers ICT resources, production technologies, technical advisory services on farming technologies and marketing services.

Recognizing the vital role of farmers in the economic and social development of the community, the Local Chief Executive of Luna, with no second thoughts, wholeheartedly gave his support to the establishment of a Farmers’ Assistance Corner at the Luna Community eCenter. The FAC serves as the help desk for all farmers. An Agricultural Technologist who is an expert in providing technical assistance in availing on line services relative to agriculture, is readily available to man the FAC. Two computer units at the eCenter are devoted to be used by farmers. The center’s services can be availed of for free by farmers. The FAC may be considered a customized version of a Farmers Information and Technology Center (FITS) under the Techno Gabay Program of the DOST-PCARRD.
If farming is a way to sustain life for the people of Luna, with the advancement of ICT, farmers must not be left behind and remain confined in the rice fields for they truly serve as the backbone of the nation. As they till the land, plant the rice, then patiently wait for it to grow, giving so much care to the grains each day until harvest time… expecting a bountiful yield, may these farmers have a way to seek help and assistance in a place we call our own…the Luna eCenter.

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Luna Municipal Hall
Luna, Apayao 3813
Managed by IT Unit of Luna, Apayao